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Terms of Use/GTC Supercircus Radio (SCR)


Status 03/01/2022


The following are important legal provisions that apply to all visitors to our website und Users of our services and apply.

For advertisers, the "Extended terms of use for BusinessMember“. 

We would like to point out that all formulations, regardless of the one used grammatical gender, addressing all persons, regardless of gender orientation judge.


1 Introduction

1.1. Content & Licensing

Supercircus Radio ("Broadcaster") is an online radio station which continuously (24/7) provides a radioprogram sends. The focus of the radio program is on the broadcast of music of different genres (rock & pop national (DACH), rock & pop international, rap/hiphop, electro/house, brass, alternative/newcomers). In addition to the musical design, the radioProgram of editorial contributions and reports, as well as interviews with different Focus on music (history, background reports, news) and der Musicians (extended information on authors, performers and producers of the played

musical works) as well as informative topics which are relevant for musicians, those interested in music and contributors to the music business and music industry.

Supercircus Radio is a by the Saxon State Institute for Private and New Media (SLM) licensed broadcaster with a nationwide broadcasting license. The content and structure of the program (program principles) follows the guidelines the SLM. In particular, this concerns compliance with the following points:

  • 1. The program principles according to §§ 3 and 51 MstV, the advertising regulations of §§ 8ff. MstV and the advertising statutes of the state media authorities.

  • 2. The regulations on the protection of human dignity and youth according to the Youth Media Protection State Treaty (JMStV) as well as the youth protection statute and the Youth protection guidelines of the state media authorities.

  • 3. The requirements for organizing sweepstakes and Sweepstakes programs according to § 11 MstV and the sweepstakes statutes state media authorities.

The program and the transmitter follow the principles of the Supercircus Radio Codex (SCR Codex). The guidelines in the SCR Codex relate, among other things, to compliance with copyright and legal provisions. They contain principles for the exclusion of discrimination, insults,deception, to protect privacy and to treat each other with respect. The SCR Codex also applies to all users of the services of the broadcaster and the website.

1.2. responsibility

Beringer GmbH, Augustusplatz 1-4, 04109 Leipzig, Germany, District Court Leipzig HRB 39016, 

VATIdNr.: DE342528051 (hereinafter also "Supercircus Radio", "we", "us" and corresponding Inflections), is responsible for the operation and content of the radio station "Supercircus Radio" ("Radio Station", "Sender") and the website, including all Subpages, contained domains and subdomains including all associated mobile Versions and Applications (Apps) (the "Site") and all Services and Products ("Services").

This includes social media sites:

  • Facebook/supercircusradio 


  • Twitter/SCRleipzig


  • Instagram/supercircusradio


  • TikTok/supercircusradio


Beringer GmbH is responsible for all content on the website and in the station's program, für the use, provision and implementation of all content and services.

Esther Beringer is responsible for the program.

1.3. reachability

Supercircus Radio can be reached at the website (“Website”) and den associated applications (APPs) of the website and the radio station. The transmission area is Germany and within the framework of the portability regulation (cross-border portability of onlineContent services in the internal market) of the EU (2017/1128/EU) extended to the member states of the EU.

Reception of the radio program is free and does not depend on registration on the site bound.

1.4. purpose

Supercircus Radio and all services related to the radio station and provided via die website can be used, are aimed at music lovers, music creators and contributors der Music business and music industry. Regarding the services offered, Supercircus Radio follows the Aim to create sustainable added value for the user. With regard to membership as a SuperMember, the added value is the use of a well thought-out communication and marketing plan and the modules and services installed for it, which

Target presence, reach, placement and establishment. The focus here is on the music creator as a person and as an interpreter, author and/or Producer of musical works who is independent of a mandatory existing management oder distribution agreement deserves a forum and an audience.


2. Registration & user account (member account)

2.1 The reception of the radio program is free and is not subject to registration on the website bound.

2.2 To access certain areas of the website and use our services you must first register and create an account with Supercircus Radio (“User Account”).

2.3 You can also manage your user account via a third-party platform such as Facebook ("social networkCreate Account. If you log in using a third-party platform account, grant us hereby access certain information about you stored in your social network account are.

2.4 Registration on the website is free. By registering you agree to our Terms of Use, thePrivacy Policyand theSCR Codexto. With the completion of the Registration gives you a member profile on the site. This is not publicly accessible. Here you can provide additional information about yourself or your company. Please note Note that multiple member profiles are not allowed.

2.5 If someone other than you accesses your user account or the settings of your account and der associated functions, this person can perform all actions available to you stand, customize your features and user account, and legally binding agreements to lock. This is done in your name and on your own responsibility. Therefore we recommend you Urge you to keep your user account credentials secret and only allow people to access Allow who you trust - because you are alone for all activities and for any event any damage, expense or loss (including any legally binding agreement) resulting from use of your user account and related features, regardless of whether you have given your express permission to do so.

2.6 To use the services (see also 3.) of Supercircus Radio you must correct and complete Submit information in which you are the sole and exclusive owner of the rights. We recommend Urge you to provide your own (or your company's) contact and billing information, including your valid e-mail address, as we sometimes use this data to confirm the owner of the user account or the user content transmitted to us (see below). In the event of a dispute regarding ownership of a user account, we reserve the right reserves the right to identify the owner of any user account to the best of its knowledge, whether or not uns an independent investigation was conducted. If such a determination is not possible be should (the determination of this is at our own discretion), we reserve the right, to refrain from an investigation -and/or a user account until an agreement is reached between the disputing Block ownership of parties. Any liability to you or any other party is excluded in this case. We are entitled to submit documents (e.g. an official issued ID, a business license) to help determine ownership.

3. Contractual partners when using services

3.1 The transmitter and the website are operated by Beringer GmbH, Augustusplatz 1-4, 04109 Leipzig, Germany, District Court of Leipzig HRB 39016, VAT ID: DE342528051.

All contracts related to the broadcaster's program and/or website The services offered by Supercircus Radio come with Beringer GmbH as provider and den User (entrepreneur) as “user” (“you”). The services offered are free and chargeable and are not aimed at consumers within the meaning of Section 13 of the German Civil Code.

Users are entrepreneurs who, as natural or legal persons or partnerships with legal capacity, when concluding a legal transaction in the exercise of their commercial or self-employed act professional activity. Entrepreneurs on Supercircus Radio are community members (SuperMember) or Business Members (BusinessMember) (see also 4).

3.2 Legally Binding Contract

theTerms of Use(and the"Extended Terms of Use for BusinessMember"of Supercircus Radio will govern along with thatSCR Codexthe relationship between the provider (Beringer GmbH) and the user ("you") in relation to the general use of the transmitter, the website and the services offered, supplemented by the legal provisions of the additional services, which mit related to the services offered. Together they form a legally binding and enforceable contract.

The services may only be used if you agree to the conditions and fully agree with Supercircus Radio's SCR codex. By using the or By registering for the services of Supercircus Radio you indicate your unconditional consent to these Terms of Use and the SCR Codex and any other applicable terms of Supercircus Radio regarding your use of Supercircus Radio services. By using our services, you confirm that you have read our privacy policy

to have.

4. Definition and Purchase of Services

4.1 Services may include free and paid memberships/subscriptions, extended offers/packages or be individual products. Memberships are divided between community memberships and Business memberships differ. SuperMembers are users of a community membership. BusinessMember are users of a business membership. BusinessMembers are advertisers according to the definition of the "Extended Terms of Use for BusinessMember".

4.2 At least registration on our website is required to purchase/book services. Additional offers/packages or individual products could only be added after the conclusion of the contract be used or purchased with a paid membership.

4.3 After the purchase/booking of a service (in particular a membership that requires the provision of content by the user of the service(s) in order to use the service/services), the information, files and documents required to use the service are available , via an upload form to submit. The corresponding upload form to the service is in the user profile area on page Find "Forms". Access to the form is after conclusion of the contract via the respective offer unlocked.

4.4 Upon submission of full details, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion acting reserves the right to examine the materials and documents and, if necessary, to reject them. Das can be the case, for example, if these comply with the SCR codex or our terms of use contradict or if existing files or texts are incomplete or incorrect. In the case of the Incompleteness or errors, there is the possibility to provide again und Addition. You will receive an email with further instructions.

4.5 After the complete provision of all necessary documents for the use of the acquired Service(s) purchased, we begin the setup process for deployment. Depending on It may take a few days to activate.

5. Your Obligations

5.1. confirmations

By using our services, you confirm that

  • you are at least eighteen (18) years of age if you are an individual within the European Union (EU) or that they have reached the age of majority in a country and You are legally authorized to do so on your behalf or on behalf of any person or entityPerson bound by the statement of Supercircus Radio Terms of Use, enter into a legally binding agreement on the Supercircus Radio Terms;

  • your country of residence or registered office corresponds to the country that you towards us in the contact or provided billing address.

In addition, with respect to your User Content, you represent that:

  • You all provisions ofSCR Codex, in particular with regard to the protection of copyright Ownership of artistic (musical) works. With this you confirm in individual that you own all rights to all content that you upload to your user account upload or make available, or imported for you via the Supercircus Radio Services, copied or uploaded (“User Content”), including artwork (graphics, images, logos), audio files, compositions, user and artist names, band names, Song and albums, lyrics, biographies and all other materials (“Content”), or that you, we or any of our partners all necessary licenses, permits and Permissions to access, import, copy and lawful use, disclosure and Own (and will own) transfer and licensing of the User Content;

  • You own (and will retain) all authority, rights, licenses, Permissions and consents to Supercircus Radio's storage and use to allow your User Content.

  • the User Content is now and will be true, current and correct and disclaims any rights from Infringe third parties or otherwise violate legal provisions and in particular the violate the content of the regulations (code of conduct) set out in the SCR code;

  • You obtain all permissions and consents with respect to the publication and Transfer of all personal data (including images and images) from natural or legal persons as well as buildings located on all artwork and Collect real estate that is part of your User Content and all related thereto legal provisions are observed.

5.2. Commitment & Consent

5.2.1 By using our services, you undertake to comply with all statutory and contractualto comply with regulations regarding the use of our services. This applies in particular to den Provisions on copyright and the rules for the protection of intellectual property.

5.2.2 You agree that you alone are responsible for the suitability (content: legal and owner-law provisions and content-related regulations from theSCR Codex;technical: technical requirements such as file format and size, quality (e.g. resolution, format) der Contribute User Content to the use of our Services. The exclusion of suitability can be done in the process des Upload or save automatically and/or determined by our internal review process will. If technical eligibility is disqualified, you will be prompted to resubmit the User Content upload or make available in another way. The exclusion of suitability in terms of content can bediscretion of the substantive violation lead to the termination of the contract. With the exclusion of the technical suitability, the contractual relationship remains. We point out that some services, components of the services or additional services can only be used if the correct and complete Your User Content has been provided to the extent that the Services, components of the Services or Additional services require this.

5.2.3 You agree that in the event of termination of the contract due to lack of suitability in terms of content, you do notClaim for reversal of the services used up to this point in time. So worry It is imperative that your User Content comply with the Supercircus Radio Terms of Service and do not contradict the provisions of the SCR Code.

5.2.4 Notwithstanding the technical and content merits of User Content, you agree that no legal claim to the use of the user content for the radio program of the station consists. This includes both qualitative and quantitative use. Excluded from This provision includes User Content that is intended to be used for advertising purposes on the radio program (radio spot) and uploaded to the website as part of the services used.

5.2.5 You agree that you may occasionally receive promotional messages and materials from Supercircus Radio and our partners by post, email or other means (depending on den contact details provided by you and includes, for example, your telephone number). If you do not wish to receive such promotional materials, please contact us;

5.2.6 You agree that the means, manner and methods of providing the Services

(Examples: placement in the radio program, publication, data transmission, placement of advertising, communication and marketing measures)by Supercircus Radio solely at the discretion of Supercircus Radio lies. Furthermore, Supercircus Radio is responsible for all services in terms of price and content adjust or discontinue services (see also 9).

5.3. Additional Terms When Using Free Services

5.3.1 The use of our free services is subject to certain conditions. With the free "SUPERMEMBER INDIE" membership, the following conditions apply to the use of the booked services:​

  • Integration of the Supercircus Radio Player on the homepage (footer, header or body) of your musician website, band website or company website.

  • Integration of the Supercircus Radio logo on the homepage (footer, header or body) of your musician's website, band website or company website.

You acknowledge and agree that the material made available for publication may also be used by us for use in Supercircus Radio's main programming.


The corresponding Html codes and files can be found in the members area under "Downloads". If the integration does not work or if there is no corresponding website, please contact us via our contact form or by email to or . We would like to point out that publication of the material provided on the Supercircus Radio "INDIE stage" is only possible if the necessary conditions, in particular the additional conditions for the use of free services, have been met.

6. Content and Ownership / Program Ownership

6.1. You own all intellectual property rights in your User Content. Exclusively for purpose of providing our services, you are aware of this and agree that we can access your access user content, upload it to our broadcasting platform and website database, copy and store and publish on our website and place in our broadcast program and/or communicate. You are aware of this and agree that we on this Purpose, make adjustments to the display if necessary, create duplicates for backups und take any other technical measures necessary to run our services, as we deem appropriate. Furthermore, you agree that we may publish your, for the public certain user content for our own advertising and reference purposes and for customer acquisition

and locally unrestricted in all media, in particular the Internet.

6.2. Supercircus Radio has unrestricted freedom of decision about the technical and content

Design of the transmitter and the broadcast program. Upon completion of a membership/ a Under no circumstances do you acquire a right to co-determination via the qualitative and/or quantitative design of the broadcast program.

7. Fees for Our Services

7.1 Our services are free or chargeable. You will be informed of the applicable fees on our site informed. If you want to use a service, you must pay the applicable fees im pay in advance.

7.2 All prices stated on the website are net prices plus the currently valid Value added tax. The currency of all the prices mentioned on the website is in EURO (EUR). Billing and payment are made in EURO.

7.3 Supercircus Radio reserves the right to change the Fees at any time and in its sole discretion to adjust. Should such an adjustment affect your existing subscription, we will inform you in advance (see also 9). If you want a discount or another If you have received a promotional offer, Supercircus Radio has the right to cancel your subscription automatically and without Announcement regarding these Supercircus Radio services at full charge.

8. Conclusion of contract and contract language

8.1 The offers on the website are non-binding. You enter by clicking the button "Buy now" at the end of the ordering process a binding contractual declaration zum conclusion of a purchase contract for the services in the shopping cart. The confirmation des Your order will be received by e-mail immediately after the order has been sent.

8.2 Contracts for the services on the website can be concluded in German or English

become. When the contract is concluded with us depends on the payment method you have chosen:

  • PayPal: During the ordering process you will be redirected to the website of the online provider PayPal. there you can enter your payment details and confirm the payment order to PayPal. After delivery of the order on the website, we ask PayPal to initiate the payment transaction and take it thereby your offer.

  • Credit and Debit Cards: When you place your order, you provide us with yours at the same time credit card details. After your legitimation as a legitimate cardholder, we will ask for your Credit card companies to initiate the payment transaction and thereby accept your offer on.

When booking free offers/services, the contract with us is concluded by clicking on the "Your Choice" button.

9. Changes to the contract and the scope of services for our services; Attitude

9.1 We reserve the right to amend these Terms from time to time at our sole Modify at its discretion to reflect changes in law or additional features we may introduce, or as we otherwise develop our business. Therefore you should read these conditions regularly and in any case during the checkout process if you buy products. The new terms will apply to any new order you place after the date des entry into force of the new terms. If you are using ongoing services from affected by the changes to the Terms, we will give due consideration to your legitimate interests. We will notify you of such changes well in advance. You will be deemed to have accepted the changes if you do not do so within two months

of this notice to object to these changes. We will inform you in our communication point it out. If you object to the changes, we have a special right of termination – without any further obligation to you - as of the Effective Date of the changes becomes effective.

9.2 All contractual terms and conditions that have been changed in this way apply insofar as there is no relevant legal regulation.otherwise provided, effective from the date of publication or notification. For the assignment of services, such as ordering services as part of a membership, the sich  always applythe contractual terms in force between you and us at the time.

9.3 If you continue to use the Services after we make changes, you agree to the changed

to the terms of the contract and are thus obliged to your part of the contractually agreed to come up with services.

9.4 We may change the Services, the provision of the Services or one or more Discontinue function(s) of the services offered or limit the services. We can access to the services themselves permanently or temporarily - without giving reasons and without further Obligations – terminate or suspend. We will contact you where appropriate under the circumstances possible, give sufficient notice in advance and your legitimate interests bei give due consideration to such measures.


10. Limitation of Liability

10.1 We are only liable in the event of intent, gross negligence, negligent injury to life, des Body, health or slightly negligent violation of a significant contractual Obligation, and only in the case of paid services. A "material contractual obligation" means an obligation, the fulfillment of which is a prerequisite for the proper implementation of the Agreement and which you normally rely on and rely on can reasonably leave. Our liability for slightly negligent violation of an essential contractual obligation is limited to the amount of a usual and foreseeable damage for this type of contract.

10.2 The above provisions apply to our contractual (including liability for futile expenses) and non-contractual liability (including liability from unauthorized action) as well as for the liability from transactions before the conclusion of the contract (culpa in contrahendo). They apply also in favor of our managing directors, executive employees or other legal representatives, employees and vicarious agents.


11. Links to Third Party Sites

The Services may contain links that allow you to leave the Site. Unless otherwise noted, the linked sites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the Contents of Linked Pages, for any link contained in a Linked Page, or for any changes and updates to such sites. We are not responsible for transmissions received from a linked website are received. Links to third party websites are provided for informational purposes only placed. The fact that we have included links to other websites does not mean that we endorse their owners or their content.


12. Governing Law

These conditions are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and are accordingly to interpret.


13. Final Provisions

13.1 A waiver by either party of any breach or default under Nothing in these Terms constitutes a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach or delays.

13.2 The headings used in these Terms are for convenience only, you has no legal significance.

13.3 Unless expressly stated otherwise: if any part of these Terms aus unlawful or unenforceable for any reason, it is agreed that this Part of the Terms is deleted and the remaining Terms are unaffected and remain fully effective.

13.4 You may not use your rights under these Terms  without our prior written consent.any agreement you have with us nor assign all or part of your rights under this contract or duties.

13.5 These Terms constitute the entire Agreement and supersede any previous written or oral agreements between you and us in connection with the Services.

13.6 The provisions of these Terms which by their nature require such action should survive on our part, remain in place.

13.7 Place of performance and place of jurisdiction is Leipzig.



To contact us, please send an email to:

Name: Team Supercircus Radio

Address: Augustusplatz 1-4, 04109 Leipzig

Email: studio(at)

Subject to change.




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office / Broadcasting center:

Beringer GmbH

Augustusplatz 1 - 4

04109 LEIPZIG / Germany

CEO: Esther Beringer


Tel +49 (0) 349 3823 6945

Amtsgericht Leipzig HRB 39016

St-ID: DE 342528051

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Nationwide broadcasting license granted by:


© 2022 | Beringer GmbH

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